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Sabayon comes in different flavours to choose.
To distinguish between them, a suffix is appended to file names.
Here's a short description. More details can be found in this thread on Sabayon forum.

This directory contains "daily" images, which are generated automatically every few days (as the name suggests).


This version contains the well known GNOME 3.
This version comes with KDE SC, another popular desktop environment.
Contains Xfce - lightweight yet very functional and friendly desktop.
With the GNOME 2 fork.

Core releases:

It's geared towards very minimal graphical environment setup, no fancy tools, browsers, whatever, just Fluxbox and command line.
Very minimal environment which can be used for server deployment.

Name Architecture Download link md5sum Package list Size Date
GNOME amd64 download md5sum package list 2684 MiB 06-Jul-2020 20:00
KDE amd64 download md5sum package list 2780 MiB 05-Jul-2020 16:16
LXQt amd64 download md5sum package list 1933 MiB 06-Jul-2020 18:44
MATE amd64 download md5sum package list 2261 MiB 06-Jul-2020 17:58
Minimal amd64 download md5sum package list 1738 MiB 05-Jul-2020 13:54
Server amd64 download md5sum package list 1419 MiB 06-Jul-2020 20:28
Xfce amd64 download md5sum package list 2413 MiB 06-Jul-2020 16:59
tarball (.tar.gz) amd64 download md5sum package list 1252.24 MiB 05-Jul-2020 12:35

All dates are in day-month-year format.