DOOM Themes is an opinionated UI plugin and pack of themes extracted from my [emacs.d], inspired by some of my favorite color themes including: Flagship themes `doom-one' `doom-one-light' `doom-vibrant' Additional themes + `doom-acario-dark' (added by gagbo) + `doom-acario-light' (added by gagbo) + `doom-ayu-dark': (added by LoveSponge) + `doom-ayu-light': (added by LoveSponge) + `doom-city-lights' (added by fuxialexnder) + `doom-challenger-deep' (added by fuxialexnder) + `doom-dark+' (added by ema2159) + `doom-dracula' (added by fuxialexnder) + `doom-ephemeral' (added by karetsu) + `doom-fairy-floss' (added by ema2159) + `doom-flatwhite' (added by ShaneKilkelly) + `doom-gruvbox' (added by JongW) + `doom-gruxbox-light' (added by jsoa) + `doom-henna' (added by jsoa) + `doom-homage-white' (added by [mskorzhinskiy]) + `doom-homage-black': (added by [mskorzhinskiy]) + `doom-horizon' (added by karetsu) + `doom-Iosvkem' (added by neutaaaaan) + `doom-ir-black' (added by legendre6891) + `doom-laserwave' (added by hyakt) + `doom-material' (added by tam5) + `doom-manegarm' (added by kenranunderscore) + `doom-miramare' (added by sagittaros) + `doom-molokai' (added by hlissner) + `doom-monokai-classic' (added by ema2159) + `doom-monokai-pro' (added by kadenbarlow) + `doom-monokai-machine' (added by minikN) + `doom-monokai-octagon' (added by minikN) + `doom-monokai-ristretto' (added by minikN) + `doom-monokai-spectrum' (added by minikN) + `doom-moonlight' (added by Brettm12345) + `doom-nord' (added by fuxialexnder) + `doom-nord-light' (added by fuxialexnder) + `doom-nova' (added by bigardone) + `doom-oceanic-next' (added by juanwolf) + `doom-old-hope' (added by teesloane) + `doom-opera' (added by jwintz) + `doom-opera-light' (added by jwintz) + `doom-outrun' (added by ema2159) + `doom-palenight' (added by Brettm12345) + `doom-peacock' (added by teesloane) + `doom-plain': (added by [mateossh]) + `doom-plain-dark': (added by [das-s]) + `doom-rouge' (added by JordanFaust) + `doom-snazzy' (added by ar1a) + `doom-solarized-dark' (added by ema2159) + `doom-solarized-light' (added by fuxialexnder) + `doom-sourcerer' (added by defphil) + `doom-spacegrey' (added by teesloane) + `doom-tomorrow-night' (added by emacswatcher) + `doom-tomorrow-day' (added by emacswatcher) + `doom-wilmersdorf' (added by ianpan870102) + `doom-zenburn' (added by jsoa) ## Install `M-x package-install RET doom-themes` A comprehensive configuration example: (require 'doom-themes) ;; Global settings (defaults) (setq doom-themes-enable-bold t ; if nil, bold is universally disabled doom-themes-enable-italic t) ; if nil, italics is universally disabled ;; Load the theme (doom-one, doom-molokai, etc); keep in mind that each ;; theme may have their own settings. (load-theme 'doom-one t) ;; Enable flashing mode-line on errors (doom-themes-visual-bell-config) ;; Enable custom neotree theme (doom-themes-neotree-config) ; all-the-icons fonts must be installed!