Wand is an extension that allows users perform actions on a region based on predefined patterns. Wand is inspired by Xiki[1] and Acme[2]. ; Dependencies: Note that you don't need to worry about these dependencies if you're using an Emacs package manager. * Common Lisp Extensions, bundled with all recent versions of Emacs. * A modern list library for Emacs Lisp: @magnars's excellent Dash[4] -- to promote better ways to write Emacs Lisp. * The long lost Emacs string manipulation library: s.el[5] -- also by @magnars. ; Installation: Thanks to @yasuyk, Wand is available in MELPA. Make sure you have MELPA repository added to `package-archives' and simply call `package-install': (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/")) (package-initialize) (package-install 'wand) Or `M-x package-install RET wand RET`. Then `require' it: (require 'wand)