{ "source": "doc/api/debugger.md", "stability": 2, "stabilityText": "Stable", "miscs": [ { "textRaw": "Debugger", "name": "Debugger", "stability": 2, "stabilityText": "Stable", "type": "misc", "desc": "

Node.js includes an out-of-process debugging utility accessible via a\nTCP-based protocol and built-in debugging client. To use it, start Node.js\nwith the debug argument followed by the path to the script to debug; a prompt\nwill be displayed indicating successful launch of the debugger:

$ node debug myscript.js\n< Debugger listening on\nconnecting to ... ok\nbreak in /home/indutny/Code/git/indutny/myscript.js:1\n> 1 global.x = 5;\n  2 setTimeout(() => {\n  3   debugger;\ndebug>\n

Node.js's debugger client is not a full-featured debugger, but simple step and\ninspection are possible.


Inserting the statement debugger; into the source code of a script will\nenable a breakpoint at that position in the code:

// myscript.js\nglobal.x = 5;\nsetTimeout(() => {\n  debugger;\n  console.log('world');\n}, 1000);\nconsole.log('hello');\n

Once the debugger is run, a breakpoint will occur at line 3:

$ node debug myscript.js\n< Debugger listening on\nconnecting to ... ok\nbreak in /home/indutny/Code/git/indutny/myscript.js:1\n> 1 global.x = 5;\n  2 setTimeout(() => {\n  3   debugger;\ndebug> cont\n< hello\nbreak in /home/indutny/Code/git/indutny/myscript.js:3\n  1 global.x = 5;\n  2 setTimeout(() => {\n> 3   debugger;\n  4   console.log('world');\n  5 }, 1000);\ndebug> next\nbreak in /home/indutny/Code/git/indutny/myscript.js:4\n  2 setTimeout(() => {\n  3   debugger;\n> 4   console.log('world');\n  5 }, 1000);\n  6 console.log('hello');\ndebug> repl\nPress Ctrl + C to leave debug repl\n> x\n5\n> 2+2\n4\ndebug> next\nbreak in /home/indutny/Code/git/indutny/myscript.js:5\n< world\n  3   debugger;\n  4   console.log('world');\n> 5 }, 1000);\n  6 console.log('hello');\n  7\ndebug> quit\n

The repl command allows code to be evaluated remotely. The next command\nsteps to the next line. Type help to see what other commands are available.


Pressing enter without typing a command will repeat the previous debugger\ncommand.

\n", "miscs": [ { "textRaw": "Watchers", "name": "watchers", "desc": "

It is possible to watch expression and variable values while debugging. On\nevery breakpoint, each expression from the watchers list will be evaluated\nin the current context and displayed immediately before the breakpoint's\nsource code listing.


To begin watching an expression, type watch('my_expression'). The command\nwatchers will print the active watchers. To remove a watcher, type\nunwatch('my_expression').

\n", "type": "misc", "displayName": "Watchers" }, { "textRaw": "Command reference", "name": "command_reference", "modules": [ { "textRaw": "Stepping", "name": "Stepping", "desc": "\n", "type": "module", "displayName": "Breakpoints" }, { "textRaw": "Breakpoints", "name": "breakpoints", "desc": "\n

It is also possible to set a breakpoint in a file (module) that\nis not loaded yet:

$ node debug test/fixtures/break-in-module/main.js\n< Debugger listening on\nconnecting to ... ok\nbreak in test/fixtures/break-in-module/main.js:1\n> 1 const mod = require('./mod.js');\n  2 mod.hello();\n  3 mod.hello();\ndebug> setBreakpoint('mod.js', 2)\nWarning: script 'mod.js' was not loaded yet.\n> 1 const mod = require('./mod.js');\n  2 mod.hello();\n  3 mod.hello();\n  4 debugger;\n  5\n  6 });\ndebug> c\nbreak in test/fixtures/break-in-module/mod.js:2\n  1 exports.hello = function() {\n> 2   return 'hello from module';\n  3 };\n  4\ndebug>\n
\n", "type": "module", "displayName": "Breakpoints" }, { "textRaw": "Execution control", "name": "Execution control", "desc": "\n", "type": "module", "displayName": "Various" }, { "textRaw": "Various", "name": "various", "desc": "\n", "type": "module", "displayName": "Various" } ], "type": "misc", "displayName": "Command reference" }, { "textRaw": "Advanced Usage", "name": "advanced_usage", "properties": [ { "textRaw": "V8 Inspector Integration for Node.js", "name": "js", "desc": "

V8 Inspector integration allows attaching Chrome DevTools to Node.js\ninstances for debugging and profiling. It uses the Chrome Debugging Protocol.


V8 Inspector can be enabled by passing the --inspect flag when starting a\nNode.js application. It is also possible to supply a custom port with that flag,\ne.g. --inspect=9222 will accept DevTools connections on port 9222.


To break on the first line of the application code, pass the --inspect-brk\nflag instead of --inspect.

$ node --inspect index.js\nDebugger listening on\nTo start debugging, open the following URL in Chrome:\n    chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html?experiments=true&v8only=true&ws=\n

(In the example above, the UUID dc9010dd-f8b8-4ac5-a510-c1a114ec7d29\nat the end of the URL is generated on the fly, it varies in different\ndebugging sessions.)

\n" } ], "type": "misc", "displayName": "Advanced Usage" } ] } ] }